Saturday, December 19, 2009

how do I get a Chat Box!!!

Hey there, can anyone teach me how to get a chat box?
I know you people that know how to get a chat box is laughing right now...i guess....xD

I don't even know who is reading my blog,if your reading it then 'Hi, And thanks for taking your time to read my blog, although it's kinda boring..' xD

sorry about the boring blog post, I just don't know what to do and I can't stand my laptop! It's shaking like a mad laptop, lol.

My eyes are almost blind! My laptop have been like this since a few weeks ago. So, I actually use the laptop with the shaky view .

How would you know! Next time maybe I will be wearing specs and A thick one too! xD

Will post a new post some other time.... Hope you like this post and thanks for reading! BYE!!!!!!


  1. Go to and create an account. When you're done, copy the code and paste it in the html place on Blogspot.
